Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2011 Demo

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 represents a new chapter in the long-running story of the popular football sim series. The game features a series of significant, much-needed improvements to PES 2010. Gameplay has been tweaked to improve control, more game modes have been added, and the graphics and overall presentation of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 are breathtaking. Enhanced gameplay The biggest changes in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 are to be found in its gameplay. The last couple of PES releases were panned for not innovating on the game mechanics, and for making silly little changes that only served to hamper playability. This time, developer Konami...

Korriphila HSP-701 pistol

9mm Korriphila pistol with 127mm / 5. .45ACP Korriphila pistol with 102mm / 4.   Korriphila Odin's Eye pistol, made from Damascus steel, with custom grip panels   Diagram from original Budischowsky patent, explaining roller-delayed blowback action of Korriphila pistol.  Characteristics Type Double Action semiautomatic Caliber(s) 7.65x21 Luger, 9x19 Luger, .38 Super, .45ACP Weight unloaded 1000 g (with 100 mm barrel), 1200 g (with 127mm barrel) Length n/a Barrel length 100 mm (4") or 127 mm (5") Magazine...

Korth pistol

Korth pistol, left side.   Korth pistol with alternative shape of trigger guard and black polished coating. Korth pistol with long barrel. Diagram from original patent, issued to Willie Korth in 1986. Locking piece is marked with orange color. Characteristics Type Double or Single Action semiautomatic Caliber(s)  9x19 Luger, 9x21 IMI, .357SIG, .40SW Weight unloaded 1240 g Length n/a Barrel length 100 or 127 mm (4" or 5") Magazine capacity 10 (9mm) or 9 (.357, .40) rounds Korth pistols were developed...

Walther PPS pistol

Walther PPS pistol in 9x19 caliber, with 6-round magazine. image: Carl Walther GmbH   Walther PPS pistol, limited production "First edition" in 9x19 caliber, with 7-round magazine. image: Carl Walther GmbH Characteristics Type pre-cocked Double Action Only, semiautomatic Caliber(s)  9x19 Luger / Parabellum, .40SW proposed Weight unloaded 549 g less magazine Length 160 mm Barrel length 81 mm Magazine capacity 6, 7 or 8 rounds Walther PPS (PolizeiPistole Schmal - Police Pistole Slim) is a most...

Walther P99 pistol

Walther P99 pistol (1st generation). Walther P99 AS (Anti-Stress) pistol, 2nd generation. Walther P99 QA pistol. Walther P99 Compact DAO pistol, 2nd generation (note extended slide release lever, which is also duplicated on right side of the gun). Characteristics Type: Double Action Caliber:9x19mm Para, .40SW Length overall: 180mm Weight: 720g unloaded Barrel length : 102mm Capacity: 16 rounds (9mm), 12 rounds (.40SW) The P99 pistol was a rather radical step forward for the Walther company, made under new management. The development of a new pistol started in 1994 and the first production pistols were shown to...

Walther P-88

Walther P88. Walther P88 Compact (note slide mounted safety instead of frame mounted decocker of the early P88). Walther P88 disassembled into major parts. Characteristics - Data for P88 (for P88 Compact in parenthesises, when differs from P88) Type: Double Action Chamber: 9x19mm Luger/Parabellum Weight unloaded: 900 g (822 g) Length: 187 mm (181 mm) Barrel length: 102 mm (97 mm) Capacity: 15 rounds (14 rounds) The P88 had been developed by Carl Walther Waffenfabrik, Germany, in 1988, as a high capacity, military and law enforcement pistol. The production of the P88 had been ceased in 1996, and...

Walther P-5

Walther P5. Walther P5 Compact. Walther P5 with long barrel. Walther P5 disassembled into major parts. Characteristics - Data for P5 (data for P5 Compact in parenthesises, when differed from P5) Type: Double Action with decocker Chamber: 9x19mm Luger/Parabellum; also 7.65mm Luger/Parabellum and 9x21mm IMI Weight unloaded: 795 g (780 g) Length: 180 mm (169 mm) Barrel length: 90 mm (79 mm) Capacity: 8 rounds The Walther P-5 had been developed in 1979 on request by German Police for safe police sidearm. Basically, it is a further development of the famous Walther P-38 pistol, but with significantly...

Walther P38, P1 and P4 pistol

Walther "Armee pistole" or AP in short, a direct predecessor to the P38. Note that it has concealed hammer.   Walther "Heeres Pistole" or HP in short, an early commercial version, produced before its official adoption as P38.   Walther P38, produced in 1944 for Hitler's army. Walther P1, a post-war military version of P38 with aluminum frame. Walther P4, a post-war police version of P38 with aluminum frame, shortened barrel and modified safety system. Walther P38K, a short-barreled version of P4 produced for KSK during early 1980s. Walther P38 partially disassembled. Characteristics   ...

Walther PP Super pistol

Characteristics Type: Double Action Calibers: 9x18 Police and 9x17 Browning Short (9mm Kurz/.380ACP) Weight unloaded: 780 g Length: 176 mm Barrel length: 92 mm Capacity: 7 rounds The Walther PP Super pistol came into existence circa 1972, as a proposed service handgun for West German police. At that period, German police looked for a new standard handgun and ammunition, to replace obsolete and underpowered pistols then in service. During the early 1970s there was much debate about a new service cartridge, and two major contenders were the already famous 9x19mm Luger/Parabellum, and the relatively new...

Walther PP, PPK and PPK/S pistol

Experimental Walther "Police model" pistol which served as a prototype for PP; note that it has longer grip for 10-round magazine, and frame-mounted manual safety. Early production Walther PP pistol with so-called 90-degree safety. Rare pre-WW2 variation of Walther PP with bottom-mounted magazine release. A typical prewar Walther PP pistol. Post-war Walther PP pistol in .22LR. Post-war Walther PP pistol made under license in France by Manurhin. Post-war Walther PP pistol made in East Germany. Pre-war Walther PPK pistol in presentation gold finish with engraving, issued by RZM. Post-war Walther PPK pistol. ...

Sauer 38H pistol

Sauer 38H pistol, left side. Note dual controls (safety on the slide and cocking/decocking lever on the frame).   Sauer 38H pistol, right side. Sauer 38H pistol, late war production model with omitted decocker lever. Sauer 38H pistol, probably made in the last days of WW2; it has no manual safety nor decocker lever; it is also has no finish on external surfaces. Characteristics Type Double Action semiautomatic Caliber 7.65x17mmSR Browning (.32ACP) Weight unloaded 705 g Length 171 mm Barrel length 83 mm Magazine...

Heckler Koch HK 45 pistol

HK 45 pistol. HK 45C compact pistol, with tan-colored frame and DAO trigger unit (notice lack of manual safety and spur-less hammer). Characteristics   HK 45 HK 45C Type Double Action semiautomatic Caliber(s)  .45ACP Weight unloaded 785 g / 1.7 lb 717 g / 1.54 lb Length 191 mm /  7.52" 183 mm / 7.2" Barrel length 115 mm / 4.53" 100 mm / 3.94" Magazine capacity 10 rounds 8 rounds The HK 45 pistol is the most recent handgun from famous German...

Heckler-Koch Ultimate Combat Pistol / HK UCP

Heckler-Koch Ultimate Combat Pistol - early prototype (2003). The same 2003 HK UCP prototype, with M6 tactical light / laser pointer mounted on the frame, and B&T suppressor. HK UCP prototype, 2004. Note grip with removable (adjustable) backstrap, as well as manual controls (slide stop and safety). Characteristics Type: Double Action Calibers: 4.6x30mm Weight unloaded: 850 g Length: 200 mm Barrel length: 130 mm Capacity: 20 rounds The Ultimate Combat Pistol (UCP) is the most recent development of famous German company Heckler und Koch. The development of UCP has been started on request from...
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