Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

NORINCO Model 77B pistol

NORINCO Model 77B pistol, left side view. NORINCO Model 77B pistol, right side view. NORINCO Model 77B pistol, showing its single hand slide cycling capability (using front of the trigger guard). Characteristics Type: Single Action Caliber:9x19 mm Parabellum Weight unloaded: 1000 g Length: 190 mm Barrel length: 127 mm Capacity: 9 rounds The Model 77B (M 77B) pistol is made by Chinese state arms factories and is exported by the NORINCO (China North Industries Corp). The M 77B pistol is apparently based on the Type 77 pistol, used by PLA and Chinese Police. However, the M 77B is bigger and heavier than...

Type 77 pistol

  Type 77 pistol, right side     Type 77 pistol, left side Type: Single Action Caliber: 7.65x17 Type 64 ball Weight unloaded: 500 g Length: 148 mm Barrel length: n/a Capacity: 7 rounds The Type 77 pistol is a fairy simple pocket-sized pistol, which fires a marginally effective, low powered 7.65mm Type 64 cartridge, originally developed for the Type 64 silenced pistol. Type 77 pistol is intended as a self-defense weapon for officers of Chinese army (PLA) and police. It has been developed in the late 1970s and was officially adopted circa 1981. Military issue Type 77 pistol shall...

Type 67 silenced pistol

  Type 67 silenced pistol   Type 67 silenced pistol, bolt is locked open, the return spring guide rod is exposed above the barrel level. Type: Single Action Caliber: 7.65x17 Type 64 ball Weight unloaded: 1050 g Length: 226 mm Barrel length: 95 mm Capacity: 9 rounds The Type 67 silenced pistol is a further development of a Type 64 pistol. It provides the users with the same combat characteristics, but at the about 2/3 of the weight of the earlier pistol. Apparently, the Type 67 pistol replaced the Type 64 pistol in Chinese service. Type 67 pistol is a blowback operated, integrally...

Type 64 silenced pistol

Type 64 silenced pistol; top, ready to fire; bottom, with the slide locked open after the last shot from magazine has been fired. Characteristics Type: Single Action Caliber: 7.65x17 Type 64 ball Weight unloaded: 1800 g  Length: 222 mm Barrel length: 95 mm Capacity: 9 rounds The Type 64 silenced pistol has been adopted by the Chinese military in the mid-1960s as a special purpose silenced weapon, intended for both military and political clandestine operations. Unlike most other silenced pistols, the Type 64 is an integrally silenced weapon, and not an adaptation of any existing "non-silenced" design....

Para Ordnance P14-45 and LDA pistol

  Basic Para-Ordnance P14-45 pistol, caliber .45ACP. Para-Ordnance P18-9 pistol, caliber 9mm Luger / Parabellum. Basic Para-Ordnance P14-45 LDA pistol, caliber .45ACP, with DAO-type LDA trigger. Compact P10-45 pistol, caliber .45ACP. Characteristics Type: Single Action (Double action only in LDA model) Chamber: .45ACP, also available in .40SW, .38 Super and 9x19mm Weight: ca. 1100 g Length: 216 mm Barrel length: 127 mm Capacity: 45ACP: 14 rounds (P14-45), 12 rounds (P12-45), 10 rounds (P10-45); 40SW: 16 rounds (P16-40), 10 rounds (P10-40); 9mm: 18 rounds In the late 1980s, a small Canadian...

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